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Tomorrow’s the BIG Day!

Tomorrow – The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity – will be released nationwide and we’re excited to announce two, YES TWO, big events tied in with it.

The Fire Within

First . . . for the next three days – April 23 -25 . . . if you order The Fire Within from my website, you can also DOWNLOAD FOR FREE – THAT’S RIGHT FOR FREE – a kindle copy of my book – Out of the Mire. All you have to do is follow this link to my website, find The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity page, then scroll down to the Tate Publishing link and order the book. (Be sure to go into the right page and not the contest page.)

AFTER you order The Fire Within go back into my website and use the Out of the Mire link located below the Tate link and you can then download the free KINDLE ONLY copy of Out of the Mire.      This only works starting tomorrow.

Out of the Mire

Second . . . also starting tomorrow I will be hosting a contest for all of you to earn points.  The rules will be sent out tomorrow morning.  This contest will run the same three days – April 23 – 25.  At the end of those days, I will announce the person who will be receiving a limited hardcover addition of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity.

If you have any questions, please email me.  PLUS . . . be looking for the contest announcement tomorrow.

This is going to be fun!

Four More Days and The Fire Within releases!

Not only that – – – we will also be doing a contest which starts that same morning – April 23 and runs through April 25. Stay tuned for I’ll be sending more info on Monday, April 22nd.
Also, be sure to look around my website. You can read more about me, see photos of my family, and upcoming events.
Will post again soon.
In closing – check out the trailer to The Fire Within! We think it’s very cool . . . or should I say – HOT! 🙂
The Fire Within Trailer

Six Days and Counting!

The time is approaching when The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity will be made available nationwide and we’re VERY EXCITED!!!!
In the next few days we are working an amazing special we can offer the first ones who place an order for this true story about our son’s journey and struggle with Crohn’s disease and how it affected all of us.
We’ll keep you posted.

Twelve Days Until Official Nationwide Release Date

The Fire WithinApril 23rd is just around the corner and then The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity will be available nationwide from any bookstore AND online. In fact – I checked – you can already purchase the paperback and kindle form on amazon.
So, get your copies now – but if you’d like more information about me, my family and other books I’ve written, then explore this website and have fun looking at a few pictures.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

This is a subject close to my heart. Do you know that we have adult students at the school where I teach who are NOT U.S. Citizens and who get the PELL Grant, which is a federal grant (no payback required) plus other federal grants to go to school?One student from the Dominican Republic told me that she didn’t want me to find a job for her after she finished my program, because she was getting housing from our housing department and she was getting a PELL Grant which paid for her total tuition and books, plus money leftover.She was looking into WAIT which gives students a CREDIT
CARD for gas to come to school, and into CARIBE which
is a special program (check it out – I did) for Immigrants and it pays for child Care and all sorts of needs while they go to school or training. The one student I just mentioned
told me she was not going to be a U.S. Citizen because
she plans to return to the Dominican Republic someday
and that she ‘loves HER country.’

I asked her If she felt guilty taking what the U.S. is giving her and then not even bothering to become a citizen and
she told me that it doesn’t bother her, because that is what the money is there for!

I asked the CARIBE administration about their program and if you ARE a U.S. Citizen, you don’t qualify for their
program. And all the while, I am working a full day, my son-in-law works more than 60 hours a week, and everyone in my family works and pays for our education.

Something is wrong here. I am Sorry, but after hearing that they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish – enough is enough. That’s a real slap in the face. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation — not even close.

I don’t Care whether this offends someone or not but this is MY COUNTRY. IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP — please understand – I am not against immigration — I just expect immigrants to come through like everyone
else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the Past — and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

**As a footnote – having been a foreign missionary, other countries expect you to learn their language if you want to stay there.  – Pam Bush

My Poor Sunny

Sunny is my three year old kitty and he’s fighting a bad eye infection.  Poor baby.  Today the vet told us we need to put drops in his eye EVERY HOUR during waking hours. Honestly – that’s what we have to do and I feel bad for him.  The poor thing just gets to sleep and we’re disturbing him again.

They say this infection can’t be caught by us humans, but will take a long time to heal.  Here’s praying the meds work quick and his swollen, sore eye will heal in record time.

Thanks for listening to this pet lover and her kitty.  🙂

Mickey and Sunny

Mickey and Sunny
(Sunny is the bigger kitty not looking at the camera.)

Christ or Easter Bunnies?

I know it’s fun to hide eggs and let the little ones hunt for them, but are we sending them a mixed message?  I think so.  I’ve taught Jr. Church and Children Sunday Schools for years.  Sometimes I only get kids once maybe twice a year, usually on Easter.  When I ask the question – What is Easter all about?  The usual answer shouted out is – The Easter bunny.  Easter is so very much more.  In fact, it is the sum of all we believe in because if Christ really didn’t die for our sins, be buried, rose again the third day, and is seated in the heavenlies until His future return – then our faith is indeed in vain.  Personally – I believe it’s all true with every bit of my heart.If you’re intent on doing the egg hunting, then also take the time to tell them the true story of Christ on the cross and how very much He loves each and everyone of us.

Tom and Pam

Tom and Pam

Have a blessed and safe Easter Weekend.

Oops! :)

I downloaded the wrong bookcover.  🙂  Out of the Mire  This is the correct one.

TWO Big News

Hi everyone!  I’m excited to announce that the third book in the Whirlwind series is now available in e-book form on amazon.  Please look for – Out of the Mire by Pamela Bush.Out of the Snare

The second big news is that it’s less than a month before my next book, entitled – The Fire Within:Fighting Through Adversity will be available nationwide from any bookstore or from the internet.

Until that day, you can purchase early copies from my website –  Go to the “Ready to Order” page.  This is not a pre-order.  You will actually get the book within a few days of ordering.  If you have questions or comments, please contact me from my homepage.  Thanks so much and we’ll talk again on Thursday.The Fire Within

This Is Spring?

Spring,  huh?

Spring, huh?

I’m sorry people but pauxatowney was wrong!  (Is that how his name is spelled?)  Yesterday was the first day of spring and we had snow, sleet, and cloudy days.  Today the sun has peeked out a few times, but the temp is a chilly high of 32 degrees.  Would you believe last year at this time our area in Michigan had temps in the 80’s.  Go figure.  To be honest – this weather makes the fruit growers happy, because last year the trees began blooming and then we had another freeze.  NOT Good.

On a totally different note, Cabelas’ had their grand opening in south Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Woohoo!  It’s nice to have one on this side of the state, but you couldn’t pay me to fight those crowds.  My hubby and I will wait for another, slower day.

Take care.  Have a great rest of the week.

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