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Tom’s Books


One-Year Devotional book to encourage the reader.

Like Tom’s other devotional books, the reader will learn

from God’s Holy Word – the Bible.

It’s easy to read.

Takes only 5 – 10 minutes a day.

What an amazing way to start your day! Enjoy!


This is a one-year devotional book designed to encourage the reader. If anyone wants to know more about God’s Holy Word – the Bible, then this is the book for you. Easy to read, to the point, daily devotionals for any person.

$15.00 plus shipping

         I am dedicating this devotional to the Arena Bible Church in Arena, WI. May these devotionals be an encouragement to who-so-ever reads them and may they also encourage you to have a devotional time with your family and friends. Special thank you to those that are still receiving my daily devotional on line and for your encouraging emails that you sent to me. Praise God for all the interaction He brings into our lives!

$15.00 plus shipping


This is the personal study of the Book of Revelation by Pastor Thomas Bush.
It was originally intended for my Sunday School class and individual studies I may do in discipling others.
These notes reflect my thoughts and when I quote information from someone else, it will be documented.
May we all enjoy this study to the Glory of God.

$10.00 plus shipping

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