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Archives for "May 2013"

Where Has This Week Gone?

I love having a holiday weekend, but it always seems to make my rest of the week go faster.  Now, it’s Friday and I haven’t blogged all week.  🙁  It sure has been a rainy week in my part of Michigan and doesn’t seem to be clearing up for a few more days yet.  In […]

What Are We Remembering?

Memorial Day – what is that supposed to be about?  According to Webster:  memorial means serving to reserve remembrance; of or relating to memory.  Memorial Day was specifically incorporated to remember those who died in war.  Me?  I remember my Dad in all he went through in WWII.  He was a survivor of his ship […]

Proverbs 3:5 – 6

Things don’t always go the way we expect, but it’s a huge comfort to know that my God is in control and nothing takes Him by surprise.  His timing is perfect and He has a plan.  My job is to trust Him and remain faithful. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean […]

Don’t You Love Fleamarkets?

We have a semi-famous flea market not far from our home in a small town called Trufant, that’s only open on Thursdays starting Spring through Fall and I love browsing – don’t you?  But, I must say ever since I started watching Treasure Hunters and see how much they pay for things, I’m much bolder […]

Interviewed for Local Newspaper

This morning I was called for an interview about – The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity. Since my first novel came out in April 2008, I’ve actually done several interviews for newspaper articles, or for live radio stations.  But honestly, this one was so different!  I was very nervous.  Why?  Because this book is about our […]


The special edition hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity is here – and do they every look great!  Many copies have already been pre-ordered, but I still have some available.  So, if you’d like to get in on this one time offer.  Be sure to go to the link provided and place […]

What a Beautiful May Day in Michigan!

The temp says 70 degrees and in my book that’s a perfect temperature for Spring.  The sun is shining and the grass is turning green; plus our giant bearded irises are starting to grow!  Isn’t God’s creation wonderful?  Everything seems fresh, clean, and new. Speaking of new – my newest novel – The Fire Within:Fighting […]

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