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Interviewed for Local Newspaper

This morning I was called for an interview about – The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity. Since my first novel came out in April 2008, I’ve actually done several interviews for newspaper articles, or for live radio stations.  But honestly, this one was so different!  I was very nervous.  Why?  Because this book is about our son Paul, his young family and our family.  It’s personal and I was concerned about what to say and how I will be quoted.  I must say, though, the reporter was extremely nice and asked good questions.  My problem is – – sometimes I give out too much information.  Do you ever have that problem?  🙂

The Lord willing, the article will be in this Thursday’s paper – The Daily News of Greenville, Michigan and I’m praying that it will prompt people to buy the book.  I say this because I truly believe it’s a book that will help ANYONE going through times of adversity – to show them there is hope and that the Lord loves them.


The special edition hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity is here – and do they every look great!  Many copies have already been pre-ordered, but I still have some available.  So, if you’d like to get in on this one time offer.  Be sure to go to the link provided and place your order.

We’re excited about these books for the quality is very good.  BUT, more importantly – the story inside will change your life, just like it did ours.  Thanks to those who have already ordered copies.  I will be getting them sent out ASAP.

The rest of you?  As soon as I’ve received a check in the snail mail for $25.00 (this includes shipping) or a notification from paypal, I will sign them according to your wishes and mail them out.  pamelabushauthor.comThe Fire Within

What a Beautiful May Day in Michigan!

The temp says 70 degrees and in my book that’s a perfect temperature for Spring.  The sun is shining and the grass is turning green; plus our giant bearded irises are starting to grow!  Isn’t God’s creation wonderful?  Everything seems fresh, clean, and new.

Speaking of new – my newest novel – The Fire Within:Fighting Through Adversity is doing well and is now available ANYWHERE books are sold; whether in stores or online.  I hope you will take the time to follow this link and check out all my books.  Some you can order directly from me, which I sign and send out.  The only one that’s not available through me yet, is The Fire Within – but I’m anticipating that to change soon. pamelabushauthor.comThe Fire Within

40th Wedding Anniversary

My honey and I celebrated our 40th Anniversary yesterday and wondered where all the years went!  Friends of ours own a Bed and Breakfast in the area so we went for the night. Had a great time visiting with them and highly recommend the place.  Please check it out.

Have a great week.

Tom and Pam

Tom and Pam

The Winner Is –

Thomas Melton is the winner of our three day contest.  He will be receiving a special, limited edition hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity. This book just released nationwide on April 23, 2013 and is available through this website, online stores, and any bookstore you may enter.

Congratulations, Thomas!


Get a Free Kindle Download – Today Only!

Today only – and I are offering a free kindle download of my book entitled – Out of the Mire by Pamela Bush.  Take advantage of this offer and enjoy the book.

Out of the Mire

Last Day to Win a Free Limited Edition Hardcover Copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity

This contest ends tonight at midnight, so now’s the time to enter for your free hardcover copy.  Be the first to own this special edition of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity which just released April 23 – nationwide.  All you have to do to enter is follow this link

The Fire Within

Win a Limited Edition Hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity


Follow this link to Pamela Bush’s  website and you can enter to win a special edition, not available in any store, hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity.

The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity contest

Follow this link and let’s get started.  🙂

It’s Finally Here!

Today’s the Day!

There are two big things happening today – The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity can now be ordered through any means – internet, stores, etc.  But, for the next three days – IF you order it from my website, you can also download a free kindle copy of my book – Out of the Mire.


PLUS  – we’re starting a contest which you can join – THIS ALSO ONLY RUNS FROM APRIL 23 – 25  at:

Let’s have fun with this and enjoy your books!

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