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Inspirational Author Pamela Bush Says:

Hi Friends and Family,

Hard to believe July is almost here and the days are already getting shorter.  🙂  (I guess I could be rushing that a bit.)

We’re doing well and enjoyed all the pictures and words directed to fathers this past weekend.  Since I don’t have mine any more ( he passed May 1981) I adopted an older man in our church.  In Sunday School we made cards so I did one for him and presented it to him.  He’s the same age as my Dad would have been; so that puts him t 95.  When I explained why I gave him the card, he took it, smiled and said, “That’s nice, but is this all I get?”  What a character!!  So, I gave him a hug, too.

Trust you all had a wonderful weekend.  Take care.  Love – Pam and Tom Bush


  • Rhonda Erwin says:

    Hard to believe that Grampa would be 95 by now… Wow! I love you!!! *Big Hugs*

  • James Wittenberger says:

    Good job! We were up at River Falls WI for Fathers day at First Baptist and had a great day there.

  • Jim Hoisington says:

    HI Pam glad things seem to be going good for you, hope things are the same for Pastor Tom as well. We finally got a new Pastor if you hadn’t heard he and his wife show a great love for the Lord and are working at a good pace to begin advancing the gospel to the community, but first there working with us. The Lord is great and worthy and will bless our church and His ministry. God bless you and Pastor Tom and let him know I think of you both daily (and I mean literally ) and pray for you. God bless you both and thank you for caring as you do.
    In Christ Jim and Patty.

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