Today I did a booksigning at the Freeport Homecoming in Freeport, Michigan. This is my hometown where I grew up until marrying and moving away. The weather was perfect – in the mid-70’s and I saw people I haven’t seen for years! One in particular was a teacher I had in elementary! She walked up and said, “HI, Pamela. I was one of your teachers!” I stared for I didn’t recognize the woman. “Really? When were you my teacher?” “Back then I was Miss Tagg.” I was floored. She was one of my 6th grade teachers and I haven’t seen her in probably close to 50 years! Back then she was around 26 yrs old. We were 11-12 and thought she was beautiful but since still unmarried was classified in our “old maid” book. 🙂 She looked absolutely great and we had a nice, but short chat. Although, I had to ask her if I should still call her Miss Tagg or not. She smiled and graciously said, “Feel free to call me Donna, now.” To be honest, it felt wrong somehow.
My husband had come along so volunteered to man the booth while I watched the parade. Back when I was a child, the Freeport Homecoming lasted three days with rides and everything. We’d have frog jumping contests, foot races, elephant ears (which are still available) and Friday night talent shows. Then on Saturday night we ALWAYS had Remwall (?) and the Green Valley Boys do a concert on the bandstand to a packed crowd overflowing the bleachers that had been brought in to the vacant lot in the middle of town. Am I bringing back memories to anyone? We had great, clean fun, and lots of rides on the ferris wheel.
Oh the good ole days – where have they gone? Now I’m pushing 59 and the crowds are much, much smaller – no more carnival with the games and rides. Before heading back up to the community center where my booth was located, I mingled with the crowd. But you know what? I hardly knew anybody and it made me sad. My parents and most of their friends are all gone now and “us kids” are now in our late 50’s and 60’s.
Don’t mind me – those really were good days and it was fun seeing familiar faces, chatting about my books, and selling some.
Thanks for going with me on this little memory journey. Have a nice, restful Sunday.