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Author Bio

Who Is Pamela Bush?

Hi Friends,

     Here’s a little bit about me.
     I was born and raised in Michigan.  I came from a family of six kids, but my oldest sister, Marilyn,  died at the age of four months before I was born.  We all graduated from Thornapple Kellogg School in Middleville.
     When I was around twelve I began dreaming of being a published author.  I loved to read – and still do.  To that end, I filled out every writer’s test I came across in a magazine, but never had the confidence to follow through.
     Time went on, I got married to my wonderful husband, Tom, and we had two children.  Then, something happened to change the course of our lives.  A friend was killed in a drunk driving auto accident which prompted us to rethink the direction of our lives.  Tom and I began attending a local church and one evening after the service, we knelt to ask Christ to come into our lives and take charge.
     That was Sept. 7, 1975 and what a roller coaster ride the Lord has had us on since then!  One year later, Tom began attending a Bible School in Grand Rapids; and in June 1980, we joined our first mission to be foreign missionaries in South America.  We’ve been in full time ministry ever since.
     From 1980 until Fall of 2001, we served with various missions in Mexico, Bolivia, and here in the States.  Then I developed some medical issues which stopped me from being able to work a full time job.  It soon became necessary for us to stop being in missionary status and take a full time pastorate at a country church in Michigan.
     By that time, our two children were meeting their future spouses and it wasn’t long after that they both got married.  We now have six beautiful grandchildren – the oldest two are 33 and 30, the next two are 18, plus we also have a 17 and 15 year old.  That breaks down to – four girls and two boys.

     Then in June 2004, our son’s colon ruptured due to complications from Crohn’s disease and my life turned another direction again.  For the first time in my Christian walk, I had struggles with God over the issue of bad things happening to good people.  Those thoughts prompted me to read the Old Testament Book of Job.  I wanted to find out how he could have so many disasters happen to him – all in one day – and still not get upset with the Lord.  

     By that time I was 53 years old and I’d finally published my first novel.  (Actually, you could also add to that statement – that it was the first novel I ever finished too.)   ( ‘-‘)
     Now, I was on a roll!
   In Feb. 2010, a sequel came out called – OUT OF THE SNARE.  While WHIRLWIND is a drama, SNARE is a suspense/intrigue.  Both are set in the beautiful wonderland of Michigan.  The prior starts in Grand Rapids and ends in Petoskey.  SNARE starts in Petoskey, moves to Beaver Island, and climaxes in St. Ignace.
    The third novel in the series entitled – OUT OF THE MIRE – came out in 2011.  Many had voiced an interest in reading more about Quaid and Abigail (aka Sydney), s-o-o MIRE is kind of their love story.  Actually, I couldn’t just leave it at that so I threw in a kidnapping, too. 🙂  This book is totally set in the Petoskey area.
    I love the beauty of my home state and like writing about actual places and unique things for the areas.  That way those of you not from Michigan can get an idea AND maybe even plan a trip here to see our Michigan Winter Wonderland!
   May 2013 my first non-fiction novel came out about our son Paul’s journey with Crohn’s disease and how it affected all of our lives.
     I wrote this from my perspective as his mother and have received many, many encouraging words about the effect this book has on the lives of others.
     You can read more about this book entitled The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity on another page in this website.
     Then in November 2013, our life went another direction and we moved to Arena, Wisconsin to pastor the Arena Bible Church.  Now, I’ve got another beautiful state that I can write about.  🙂
     Once I got all settled in my new home and ministry, I pulled out a manuscript I’d written back in 2010 that had been sitting on the shelf.  It was recently published by and I believe, is an interesting read. It was certainly fun to write!   It’s entitled – Finding Joshua.
     I’m excited to say that I finished the fourth book in the Whirlwind Series – Out of the Heart ; which came out the Fall of 2014.  The fifth and final book in the series came out in March 2016 and is called Out of the World.
      In the Spring of 2018, my husband Tom asked me to consider writing a mystery series geared toward pre-teens and teens; the ages of our grandkids.  
     So . . . I did.
     Josie and the Digger’s Club books are about four kids – three girls and one boy – (which happens to be the same as our four youngest grandkids!)’ They stumble upon mysteries and solve them.  So far I’ve written three and they all became available to the public within one year – July 2018 through July 2019.  They are entitled – Case of the Stone Mansion, Case of the Missing Cats, and Case of the Stolen Medallion – in that order.
     They are all available in this website on the “Book” page.
     Please check them out.
     Since July 2019, I’ve taken a break; AND had a right knee replacement that I’m pretty much adjusted to.  
     In March and April 2020, all of our lives changed with a worldwide pandemic.  We thank the Lord that no one in our immediate family has contracted it, in spite of various exposures.  Starting in June 2020, my husband’s health took a turn and he was in the hospital multiple times over the next months.  With heart surgery, back surgery, intestinal infection, a spot of melanoma removed from the right side of his neck, and a mild stroke it was decided it was time for him to retire from the ministry.  His last preaching was in May 2021 and the first week of June we packed up our belongings and moved to Bowling Green, KY to live near our son, Paul.
     This has been a huge adjustment for us.  For the first time since 1980, we’re not directly involved with a ministry; plus Tom still struggles with lack of energy and we’ve gone from rural living to city living.  Life is definitely different.
     One good thing is that I’m now working part time in my most favorite store – Hobby Lobby.  🙂
     Another interesting thing has happened.
     My husband, Tom, took over the job of being an author and now has four books published:  Morning Devotions Love – Tom/Grandpa ; Study Guide to the Book of Revelation – 2020 ; Twelve How To’s of Scripture ;  Morning Devotions with Pastor Tom, and his newest one called Spread the Word Devotional with Pastor Tom.
     All of these can be ordered from this website on the page entitled – Tom’s Books.
2022 UPDATE – The year 2020 was a difficult, physical one for my husband Tom.  In July he had triple heart by-pass surgery; October he had back surgery; December he had an intestinal infection (all hospital stays). On into 2021, first part of February he had melanoma removed from his neck (outpatient), end of Feb. he had a mild stroke (hospital stay); then in March they needed to take more off his neck (again outpatient).  Most of these times in the hospital, due to covid, I spent out in the parking lot doing a lot of praying, reading, and crying (several in the middle of the night!!). I’m saying all this to let you know that by April our children were wanting us to move closer to one of them, so we packed up the first part of June 2021 and moved to Bowling Green, Ky near our son Paul and his family.  It’s very much like city living to us, so it’s an adjustment; but it’s nice being closer to our family while Tom continues to have some leg and feet issues.  We greatly appreciate your prayers.

That’s pretty much it for now.

     Thanks for taking the time to visit me.
                             Your Friend, Pam Bush

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