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Archives for "April 2013"

40th Wedding Anniversary

My honey and I celebrated our 40th Anniversary yesterday and wondered where all the years went!  Friends of ours own a Bed and Breakfast in the area so we went for the night. Had a great time visiting with them and highly recommend the place.  Please check it out. Have a great week.

The Winner Is –

Thomas Melton is the winner of our three day contest.  He will be receiving a special, limited edition hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity. This book just released nationwide on April 23, 2013 and is available through this website, online stores, and any bookstore you may enter. Congratulations, Thomas!  

Get a Free Kindle Download – Today Only!

Today only – and I are offering a free kindle download of my book entitled – Out of the Mire by Pamela Bush.  Take advantage of this offer and enjoy the book.

Last Day to Win a Free Limited Edition Hardcover Copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity

This contest ends tonight at midnight, so now’s the time to enter for your free hardcover copy.  Be the first to own this special edition of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity which just released April 23 – nationwide.  All you have to do to enter is follow this link

Win a Limited Edition Hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity

  Follow this link to Pamela Bush’s  website and you can enter to win a special edition, not available in any store, hardcover copy of The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity.

The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity contest

Follow this link and let’s get started.  🙂

It’s Finally Here!

Today’s the Day! There are two big things happening today – The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity can now be ordered through any means – internet, stores, etc.  But, for the next three days – IF you order it from my website, you can also download a free kindle copy of my book – Out […]

Tomorrow’s the BIG Day!

Tomorrow – The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity – will be released nationwide and we’re excited to announce two, YES TWO, big events tied in with it. First . . . for the next three days – April 23 -25 . . . if you order The Fire Within from my website, you can also […]

Four More Days and The Fire Within releases!

Not only that – – – we will also be doing a contest which starts that same morning – April 23 and runs through April 25. Stay tuned for I’ll be sending more info on Monday, April 22nd. Also, be sure to look around my website. You can read more about me, see photos of […]

Six Days and Counting!

The time is approaching when The Fire Within: Fighting Through Adversity will be made available nationwide and we’re VERY EXCITED!!!! In the next few days we are working an amazing special we can offer the first ones who place an order for this true story about our son’s journey and struggle with Crohn’s disease and […]

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