Morning Devotions Love, Dad/Grandpa
By Thomas Bush
I wrote and dedicated this 365-day Daily Devotional to my son Paul, because of his trial with Crohn’s disease. Paul was diagnosed in 1999 and had his large intestine removed in 2005. During this time of being in the hospital and not able to work or care for his growing family, Paul went through the loss of his home; and, the new home he was building; and the loss of his job. I say all of this, because my son displayed great endurance in his faith and walk with the Lord. Yes, there were lots of discouraging moments and circumstances
I wrote and dedicated this 365-day Daily Devotional to my son Paul, because of his trial with Crohn’s disease. Paul was diagnosed in 1999 and had his large intestine removed in 2005. During this time of being in the hospital and not able to work or care for his growing family, Paul went through the loss of his home; and, the new home he was building; and the loss of his job.
I say all of this, because my son displayed great endurance in his faith and walk with the Lord. Yes, there were lots of discouraging moments and circumstances beyond his control. He asked me many times if there was something that he was doing wrong and what he could do about it. My answer was usually the same, “keep your conscience clear and pray.”
This devotional book is the result of writing to my son over the past years; plus, several family members and members of our Church have been receiving it as well.