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Donna Vinke, Tate author

Out of the Whirlwind and Out of the Snare could be called a series but each book is unquestionably complete on its own.
They are both what I would call, heartfelt first-class Christian fiction reading.
Whether we like it or not, we all will deal with the loss of love ones at some time in our life. In “Out of the Whirlwind” Pamela strikes home as she addresses real life feelings of anger, and grief, and yes, even the way we mourn those who have left us behind. 

My favorite character Hope; is so real that I wanted to meet her in person.
Both of these well written books remind us that we never really know just what’s inside another’s heart. But when troubles come we learn that our Lord and Savior will never fail us.
Out of the Snare” is filled with drama and apprehension and lets us know without a doubt that no matter what we have done or said in our past we can come to know the love of our Savior. Pamela lets us know that Christ always opens the door of salvation, we just have to knock! 
– Donna Vinke, Tate author

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